Museum plans eclipse events

An annular eclipse of the sun that occurred in 2012 over part of the Klamath Basin is shown. The Klamath County Museum will stage eclipse viewing events in five locations around the county on Saturday, Oct. 14.

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. — The Klamath County Museum will stage eclipse viewing events at five locations around the county on Saturday, Oct. 14.

The museum will also present a program titled “Understanding the Eclipse” at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 11. The program will be given in the back meeting room of the museum at 1451 Main St.

“We want to offer a chance for people to both understand and fully appreciate what a special opportunity it is to see this rare event,” said Joe Minato, a science teacher in Portland who will present the program.

The program is geared for families with children ages 8 and up, and will include hands-on activities.

Amateur astronomers with telescopes safe for viewing the sun will be stationed at the following locations from 8 to 10 a.m. during the Oct. 14 eclipse:

  • Klamath Falls, Klamath County Museum, 1451 Main St.

  • Chiloquin, Spink’s Park.

  • Sprague River, Squaw Flat Store.

  • Bly, north side of Highway 140 just east of town.

  • Crescent, Crescent Community Center.

Free eclipse viewing glasses will be available at the Oct. 11 event, and at all locations on the day of the eclipse. The eclipse will peak around 9:20 a.m. in Klamath County.

For more information, contact the museum at (541) 882-1000.

Basin Beat PR

The preceding article is a press release.


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